What is the list price of DOVATO?
The list price for a 30-day supply of DOVATO is $3,095.69,1 but it’s important to keep in mind, the list price is not the price most people usually pay for their prescribed medicines. If you have health insurance, the price you pay – sometimes called your out-of-pocket cost – is set by your prescription drug plan.
- List price may also be called the wholesale acquisition cost or WAC. WAC does not include discounts, rebates, and other price adjustments to wholesalers or any other customer.
To better understand your out-of-pocket cost, contact your health insurance company to confirm the details of your prescription drug plan. For general information, select the option below that best describes your health insurance.
What does list price mean to me?
The list price does not always represent the actual price you will pay for a medicine.
With medicines, a lower list price is no guarantee of a lower out-of-pocket cost. If you have coverage through your prescription drug plan, your health insurance company is the best resource to understand your out-of-pocket cost.
Want to learn more about DOVATO?
Click here >
What can I expect to pay for DOVATO?
Select the option below that best describes your health insurance to find out more about how much you may pay for your medicine.
Does ViiV Healthcare offer patient support programs for DOVATO?
Yes. ViiV Healthcare is sensitive to the needs of patients who struggle to afford healthcare services, including medicines. If you can’t afford your medicines, ViiVConnect may be able to help.
We have programs for eligible patients who are insured, underinsured, and uninsured. ViiVConnect programs do not constitute health insurance. To learn more and to see if you're eligible, click here.
Where can I get more information?
- To learn more about DOVATO, visit DOVATO.com.
- For more accurate information about your out-of-pocket cost, contact your health insurance company to confirm the details of your prescription drug plan.
- To talk to a ViiVConnect Access Coordinator, call 1-844-588-3288 (toll free). Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 am – 8 pm ET.
Site updated January 1, 2025.
1 Source: ViiV Healthcare Data on File as of January 1, 2025.
2 Based on analysis of national pharmacy level data of commercially, Medicare, and Medicaid insured patients who filled their prescription through a retail pharmacy between January 2023 and October 2023. The analysis includes only retail pharmacy claims that were paid, or for which price was accepted by patients after using insurance and/or any copay cards, discount cards or other offers, and for which data about the transaction was available.
3 Medicare. How Part D works with other insurance. State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program. Updated on August 17, 2012. https://www.medicare.gov/drug-coverage-part-d/how-part-d-works-with-other-insurance. Accessed on August 9, 2019.
4 U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Details for title: 2018-05. Last updated May 2018. https://www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/Medicare-Learning-Network-MLN/MLNProducts/MLN-Publications-Items/CMS1244469.html. Accessed on August 9, 2019.